Spilling Ink Activity Session

Spilling Ink Activity Session


🎲 Topic: “Your Big Magic”- Seeing the Value of Your Own Ideas

On Tuesday, July 25, 2023, in “Your Big Magic”- Seeing the Value of Your Own Ideas We explored what “Your Big Magic” was and how we each have our own “jewels” or ideas and how we use them to bring them to light.

In her book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, author Elizabeth Gilbert writes, “The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.”  As creators, we have so many ideas. Each of those ideas is a seed with the potential to grow to be something wonderful. Each of these “strange jewels” may have been inspired by another idea, person, or experience we have had, but their beauty is different.

No storyteller tells a story quite the same way as another. No snowflake or stone is the same as another. An idea has never come from anyone else anywhere in history in the same way it can come from you. That is your big magic! It is your choice and right to find these “jewels” within, see their unique beauty, and bring them into the light to share with the world. Write on!

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