When you click on the registration link, you'll be guided through three quick steps.
H O W T O R E G I S T E R :
First, you'll be asked to create an account. If you already have an account, click the log in link to sign in.
Next, pay and sign up for your class.
Writing Personal Essays [Independent Study] costs $199.
Finally, complete the writer's registration.
⇢ For step one, use a guardian name and email—the account holder is who we contact for billing and administration.
⇢ In step three, you will be able to enter a writer's name and additional email for program communication.
⇢ If you're registering more than one writer for courses, you'll need unique guardian accounts for each.
Ready to go? Register for Writing Personal Essays:
H A V E Q U E S T I O N S ?
Contact us at info@younginklings.org