When you click on the link to register for a Drafting Workshop Mentorship you'll be guided through three quick steps.
H O W T O R E G I S T E R :
First, you'll be asked to create an account.
⇢ Use a guardian name and email—the account holder is who we contact for billing and administration.
⇢ In step three, you will be able to enter a writer's name and additional email for program communication.
⇢ If you're registering more than one writer for courses, you'll need unique guardian accounts for each.
If you already have an account, click the log in link to sign in.
Next, pay and register for the Drafting Workshop Mentorship program.
Finally, complete the writer's registration. Please use a first name and middle nickname for your writer (ie: Naomi Lee) for online safety reasons.
⇢ During registration, you will let us know your preferred timing for your monthly mentorship session. We will contact you to confirm those details within the first 10 days of your enrollment and to provide the date for your first session.
⇢ After registration, your writer will be directed to a welcome page that shows them step-by-step how to participate in the Drafting Workshop.
⇢ We'll also send you an email with the link to this welcome page in case your writer can't begin immediately. This email, and all other key official information, will be sent to (or copied to) the account holder's email to keep guardians in the loop.

Ready to go? Register for a Drafting Workshop Mentorship:
H A V E Q U E S T I O N S ?
Contact us at info@younginklings.org